かなり前に原文の本をもらったけれど挫折して、先日翻訳があるのを知って購入。前半には子供ならではのこだわりや、独自の遊びなどが細かい情景描写と共に書かれていて、いつの間にか忘れてしまった幼い頃を思い出せたり。映画でも観たい一作。Completed the Japanese version of Never Let Me Go, which I gave up reading the original version many years ago. The story itself is melancholy, but reminded me of my childhood from characters' behavior. Look forward to seeing the movie.
Completed the Japanese version of Never Let Me Go, which I gave up reading the original version many years ago. The story itself is melancholy, but reminded me of my childhood from characters' behavior. Look forward to seeing the movie.